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Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Songs Frogs' Attract Women, And The Beasts

Tungar man frogs collected in shallow pools of water during the night and let out long mating calls. Women visit these pools, to listen to some calls and then quickly select friends. It's like speed dating.

Male call consists of a whine followed by a series of grunts or "cores". New research suggests that male and female judge on the cores - and not the absolute number, but the ratio of a frog the other chucks.

During the study, in Panama, many women seem to prefer frogs, two seats more than Chuck. But most did not show any preference of the three seats and two seats.

It is a concept people can relate to, says Karin Akre, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Texas at Austin, who led the research.

"If you have a stack of three oranges and four oranges, it's pretty easy to see that you have more," she said. "But it's harder to tell the difference between 50 versus 60 oranges oranges, although the absolute difference is greater."

Frogs are not alone in the night, so turning the bats that eat frogs.

Surprisingly, researchers found that bats use the same strategy that the female frogs in the selection of prey for one.

As the female frogs, they are attracted to men emit more cores, and make decisions based on relationships rather than the absolute difference.

"They show, in fact, exactly the same priority," said Akre.

Due to different auditory systems, two species (one mammal and one is a frog), "It 'surprising and interesting to share this cognitive ability," he said.

The study is the news in the journal Science.

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